
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Oh. My. Goodness.

Hello everybody! Sorry I haven't uploaded lately. So many things have come up, and even though I desperately want to upload, I get too lazy and back down. Well, not lazy...more like so tired my fingers hurt to type. Literally. I've been practicing my violin so much it hurts. Anyways, enough about me. Let's have a chat. I haven't gotten to share anything about me at all, so let's begin?

Yes, today will be a lazy day because I am so busy with everything, but you know, who isn't? I will definitely upload more by the end of this weekend. Don't you worry. (As if anyone is)

Lately, I've seen so many beautiful artworks out there on the internet. Some are realistic, while others are strangely beautiful in their own way. I  just enjoy when other people post their artwork online because I want them to feel the love and realize that GURRLLL, they've got some talent. You just CANNOT believe how amazing these artworks are. If I were to sell these. Oh. My. Goodness. It would be expensive. The artists would be famous. Just... I can't even. I'm sorry, my mind is overblown. Maybe you've seen these. Maybe you haven't. I just hope that these artists get recognized because it would be such a shame for their talent to go to waste. As for the artists, thank you for sharing, and if it really bothers that your picture is on my blog, please tell me right away! I don't want anyone to feel hurt. 

This picture is just amazing. I love the realism and shading. The beard looks difficult to do because even I can't do hair that looks like that. If you haven't noticed already, this is Andrew Lincoln, who is Rick Grimes from the walking dead. Check out Gracja Waniewska for more beautiful artwork done by her!

apurv joshi

Wow! Just look at the shading blown. I believe this is supposed to be Sherlock Holmes and Watson. If you're even more curious, the artist stated that this was done with graphite pencils on Canson A3 drawing paper. Check apurv joshi out!

What I love about this one is the beauty and majestic feels it gives you. It feels like you've gone to a heavenly land and you've just met an angel. Plus, the light to the left of the picture makes it look a bit more dramatic. I love Claudia's work, so check her out!

Last but not least is this beautiful painting. It may be different from the rest, but let me tell you..this is absolutely stunning! It's called Shattered, and believe it or not, it was done with watercolors. I is that even possible?! She is amazing. Just so amazing. Check Laura out! :)

Well, that's it for today. I hope you enjoyed this different type of post. Comment below and +1 if you liked this and maybe I'll do another one of these types of post. If you want your picture on my blog, just tell me! Anyways, I better get going. Thank you for reading, and may you be amazing and awesome as you guys are. Mwah!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for featuring me in your blog. It is an honor.
