Ello everyone! How are you guys!? You know what? I just got the feels today. The inspiration...the love...and all that stuff. That's what made me get out of my comfy bed and create a new blog post ;) Anyways, as I got up, I was deciding to draw something else, but then I thought....why not try something new? So, at last minute, I created something so epic it will blow your minds. (not really) Are you ready guys? Are you? Of course you are! Let's do this! *fist bumps*
Okay, you guys know what to start with. Supplies! They won't cost much, trust me.
Felt wool (of course)
Long needle/ pin
Spongy surface
Construction paper (White and orange)
Marker/pen (black preferred)
Let's begin shall we?
Step 1: Start by rolling up the felt wool of your choice. Then, try to shape your bird by poking it with a needle.
Step 2: One your done, it should look like this. After that, leave some flaps to the sides to make the wings If you don't have any left, then use your scissors to cut some more wool for the wings.
Step 3: Now, keep on stabbing the wings with your needle until it stiffens. Be careful not to poke yourself! (If you're really scared of bleeding, just use a pin. It/ll really help. :))
Step 4: Okay, now attach your flaps together by stabbing the top edge of your wings into the bird.
Okay, I don't know why I'm adding this, but this is my failure attempt of making eyes. I tried to use glue, wait for them to dry, and then draw in the pupils....BUT....it took too long so I decided to give up. :(
Step 5: Cut out four circles
Step 6: Roll tape on two of them. On the other two, draw in the pupils. (They look like googly eyes. XD)
Step 7: ANDD....Attach! Pretty simple, I believe.
Step 8: Know, cut out your beak. (If you don't know how, you just fold your paper, and cut a triangle out of it. Don't cut at the fold!) Then, glue on the beak.
Step 9: Mwa haha. You thought you were done? Well, actually you are. BUT, if you want to, cut out an oval from another piece of wool, and stab it into the bird until it's in place. Then, you gave the bird a nice warm belly. :D
Yeah yeah yeah. It's so cute, right? I took about an hour and a half to do. :| Don't worry though! It's just that I kept messing up, and I had to take pictures. If you were to do it normally, it should only take half an hour (max). I think I'll name it Jim. Hehe.
Awwwww!!! Look at him! If you want, you can shape your wool into eggs for Jim...I mean your bird. Now, I'm going to throw Jim out of the window! Bye guys! (just kidding. just kidding. But the eyes did fall out a lot of times, so I had to fix it a lot. :/)
Okay, how was it guys? I hope it was enjoyable for all your creative minds! Be careful to not make a huge mess! Hmmmm...what else...If you guys want, you can put your own bird into a little box, and add a nest with eggs for him/her cause...why not? Hopefully, this little DIY was enough. (I think I said that) Anyways, I'll stop rambling. Thanks a lot guys! I love you all for reading! Mwah!
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